Wanna find a Quiz Meisters trivia show near you? Click on your state to see a list of all our shows or search for your closest quiz below!
Quiz Meisters is Australia's largest and most trusted trivia company - but we've still got the heart and drive of a small business. Our multimedia weekly trivia shows are all about getting bums on seats in your venue. We’ve been running trivia in pubs, breweries, bars and hotels for longer than Facebook has been around. We love doing what we do, and we wanna do it with you too.
RUN WEEKLY TRIVIAWant us to host a private trivia experience for your friends, colleagues or entire corporation? We have multiple ways to bring your favourite people together in-person and online, whether it be for five or five hundred.
RUN AN EVENTGAMES EMPORIUMQuiz Meisters isn't just any old trivia company. We started in 2004 and have stuck around since - so we must be doing something right! Each Quiz Meisters show is an irreverent, jam-packed quiz full of cross-generational questions, our trademark wacky onscreen videos, and interactive live games.
We've got a full-scale Quiz production team, an incredible network of hosts nation-wide, and venue support teams in every state. We put almost too much work into every facet of our business to make everything as good as possible. It’s unique and it really is the best. It’s trivia, but good.
Do you feel confident in front of a crowd? Do you love having fun? Does entertaining folks and being the centre of attention get you going? Can you read? If you answered yes to these questions, then we want you to join our quiz family!
HOST FOR USQuiz Meisters is the number one choice of trivia for dogs! Is that true? Who knows! We're not even sure we could measure that. In any case, here are just a few favourite photos of our quizzical canine friends.